This is perhaps one of the most common questions I come across in all these years. Despite the fact that many people use these two words interchangeably, there are subtle differences between the two. In the Summer/2012 edition of Going Natural magazine, Lester Cox wrote one of the simplest answer I'd ever read: "Naturism is naked contact with nature, so it is a mixture of nudism, ecology and integration with nature".

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This is too important a piece not to share! Stephen Goug started hiking in nude through England with his girl friend, as a result of his action, he was constantly being arrested, trial in the court of law and imprisoned in jail.

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泰國 芭堤雅 本是有兩間可供旅客天體的酒店,分別是在 2011 年落成的 Chan Resort 及較殘舊的 Chan Twin Resort。近日,當地的天體朋友相告,Chan Twin Resort 在來年己被一位俄羅斯籍的商人包下,將用作開辦一所託兒所。雖然老闆 Mr. Moo 說依然歡迎裸旅入住,但來年 Chan Twin Resort 再不會有房出租,旅客也不能 day visit 入內天體、裸泳。要一嘗天體樂趣,就只剩下 Chan Resort 了。

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風暴剛在上周過去,見天色放晴,便伙拍三數本地裸族朋友行行山,感受一下夏日氣息。早上 9 時坐渡船出發,不久便到了目的地的外島。隨即向島上遺跡出發,並打算在遺址附近開始裸體行山。可惜剛碰上郊野管理隊,失望已回,只能悄悄拍下三數張照片。

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由 Traveler's Digest 選出的 10 大天體好去處。

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My Daughter the Teenage Nudist 是由英國第四頻道攝製的記錄片,於 2012 年 1 月 12 日於英國首播。內容從社交網絡推動的新一代年輕裸族 Mollie 和 Alex 而起。探討他們如何嘗試令天體正常化,質疑現代媒體對自以為是的人體準則的執著。希望新一代能借天體運動把自己解放出來。需說新一代裸族很願意走出傳統天體會的框框,但為何他們那麼樂意接受天體文化?父母又如何看他們呢?

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在這裡向各位介紹一部六、七十年代的天體電影 Comme au premier jour - Naturisme(1967)。有興趣的朋友可到 觀看。

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